You may find below different sets of usable and recommended (!) pictures for the Computers, Videogames and Arcade Collector's Ring subscribers. After making your choice, please click on the pictures author's name and let him know that you want to use them ; I'm sure they'll be glad to help you !
Of course, if you want to draw your own pictures, just be sure they have the same functionnalities as these ones and let me know if you want to allow other users to get them : I will put them online here.
Philippe Dubois, 1998.
Set #1Default pictures ! They're pretty ugly and i will change them soon. |
Set #2Pictures by Boris Jakubaschk. |
Set #3These pictures and their related code by Blunt Rollies. |
Set #4Pictures by Corey KOLTZ. |
Set #5Pictures by Olivier BOISSEAU. |
Set #6Pictures by Jan Kurpjoweit. |
Set #7Pictures by Stefan Mansier. |